Everyone who is following football even a bit has watched at least one episode of Blue Mountain State. Show was cancelled in 2012, howeve...
Everyone who is following football even a bit has watched at least one episode of Blue Mountain State. Show was cancelled in 2012, however, BMS is back, but, there's a twist! - BMS, The Movie! We wanted to find out more, so we reached out to Alan Ritchson who we all know as "That Castle"!
Thad Castle
I guess I'm similar enough to Thad to bring him to life on screen. But to be honest, and I'm sure many of Thad's fans will be dissapointed to hear this, but I'm not much like Thad when I'm just being me. In fact, I tend to be so reserved when I'm out that most people don't even recognize me.I think the thing that people connect so deeply with through Thad is their inner-child. Thad is silly, he can play, but he is volatile, and immature, he has no filter so he is unpredictable... I can go on but the point is, all of these qualities are something we can all relate to because we were all this way as children. We learn to mature, and behave and control our emotions, we learn to balance our needs and wants. Thad had hasn't reached this state of being yet. I believe many people wish to connect to that part of themselves that was more free in a sense. Perhaps if we all did, there would be a lot more Thad's running around.
The football players, like everyone, needed to laugh. I was a different energy than the hardened, battle ready, competitive one they were used to. So I would keep things light and I think the guys really enjoyed that change of pace.
Football in real life

I did have some great training though going into the first season on BMS. Proper footwork was the thing I had the hardest time learning. The guys on the team were always patient with my clumsy routes and would work with me between takes.
Favorite BMS moment
Impossible to say. This show was three years of my life, and one of my favorite jobs ever. I have so many wonderful memories.I will say though, thinking back, the pilot episode with the chocolate cookie race was pretty electric. It was our first time together working on this crazy show, it was 30 below outside and we were stripping down to insert cookie and run the race. We looked at each other and just sort of new it was going to be a special show.
BMS The Movie
The fans never stopped asking for more. So we decided to approach Lionsgate about doing a film version of the show. Although they weren't interested, they saw our passion for BMS and gave us the rights.
The creators Eric Falconer, Romanski, and myself then spent months planning a campaign to bring the show back. We sought private money, but creatively there was no one that quite understood what we are. So we felt the best way to bring something back for the fans, would be to invite them into the process. Now we are a few days into our Kickstarter campaign, and we have been getting a great response so far.
The creators Eric Falconer, Romanski, and myself then spent months planning a campaign to bring the show back. We sought private money, but creatively there was no one that quite understood what we are. So we felt the best way to bring something back for the fans, would be to invite them into the process. Now we are a few days into our Kickstarter campaign, and we have been getting a great response so far.
The Script
This will be a sexier, funnier, harder hitting comedy than anything we've ever seen before on BMS. Let me just say this... Thad with 50 million dollars. Put that in your mojito and shake it.
Piece of advice for football players in Europe
My only advice is to start carrying a lot of chapstick... Cause now that they're playing football they're going to be getting a lot of chicks, and the chicks are gonna want to kiss their faces a lot and that can dry out your lips.
We hope you enjoyed Alan's interview as much as we did, and, now, let's get down to business! Let's all be a part of the movie and help the crew bring us another awesome dose of BMS!
How can you help? Check out the video below!
To go straight to the campaign page, click on the K in the upper left corner of the video screen.
Mia Bajin
Ivan Trifunjagic