The story of the Waterford Wolves begins in November 2011, with only 7 flag football players. Within the next few months their roster in...
The story of the Waterford Wolves begins in November 2011, with only 7 flag football players. Within the next few months their roster increased twofold. They currently have 23 players fully kitted and committed to the team.
"Our aim here at The Wolves is to create a buzz around the city of Waterford. We want to give Waterford something to be proud of. Our plan is to make Game Day here in Waterford a big event. We want to put on a show for our city. We want to have groups and families at our games, interacting with our players, listening to local bands, enjoying food from a BBQ or food stall, playing skill games. We want it to be a great experience not just a great game." says Eoin Reinhardt, Wolves Founder and QB
Wolves still don't have a stadium they can call their own, and that right there is one of their major goals for 2013.
"Securing our home venue and entry into the Irish American Football League are 2 milestones we are hoping to achieve within the coming months.", Reinhardt adds, "we have set 10 goals for ourselves in 2013, some which are easily achievable and some which are extremely difficult. But with the help of our community and a big effort from all involved with the club we should have all of our goals ticked off before the final quarter of 2013."
Wolves didn't stop there, in addition to the Team Goals, there's one more list - Players Goals. They're making sure their athletes are giving their maximum as well, as 2013. will be a big year for the team. Now, here's the catch, who completes his goal list - gets to run for the Player Of The Year. - will keep an eye on this, and let's raise the "bet". We're inviting the Wolves to let us know who won, and we'll feature the player on our homepage!
About the community, Reinhardt says: "Our local community is behind us, supporting us 100%. Anyone who hears about what we are doing only has praise and high hopes for us. It is our duty not to let these people down. If we can bring something like this that can generate some happiness in peoples’ lives, then regardless of what happens to us on the pitch we will already be a success."
One of the future plans for the Wolves is building a youth program. Their plan is to visit local schools and recruit.
Reinhardt says that Wolves will devote a lot of time to do charity work - "My desire is to have our club raising money every year, which we will send back to the community. What I want to do is to help families, but especially the children of families, who are less fortunate. I am hoping to use 1 Wolves gameday as a money generator for this charity, where everything we raise will be used for buying Christmas presents for children."
Seems like an awesome start of a great football team! Good luck Wolves!
Nikola Davidovic